Congratulations! You have a job interview – now it is time to prepare for success!
Here is what you need to do to have a successful interview
Research the company
There are a few things that you should learn about your potential employer before going to your interview. Look on the company website and social media pages to find out about the company values. Read the company blog and news to find out about the latest activities they are undertaking.
Practice makes perfect
Do a mock interview with a friend or family member before the interview. Treat the mock interview like it is the real thing and put the research you have been conducting about the company to the test. Practicing will help you iron out any issues you are having before you go onto the real thing.
Study the job description
Read over the job description in detail so you can answer with the relevant experience you have for the role.
Common questions
Practice the common questions you will typically get at an interview so you are prepared in advance, some of these questions will include:
- Why do you want to work for us?
- Why are you leaving your current role?
- Give us an example of a time you worked within a team?
Be yourself
Remember – the hard part is securing an interview. You have already impressed your employer from your application. Be yourself, take your time when answering questions and don’t be afraid to ask questions yourself.
About Directions:
Directions is a specifically designed and fully integrated programme of support which will improve the employability of over 2,000 local residents from Liverpool City Region who are currently not in work.
For More Information on Directions
Telephone: 0151 706 8111
Keep in touch with Directions on Twitter.
About European Social Fund:
Directions is receiving funding from the European Social Fund as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England. The Department for Work and Pensions (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for the England European Social Fund programme. Established by the European Union, the European Social Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support skills development, employment and job creation, social inclusion and local community regenerations. For more information visit
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