Happy New Year here's to a year of developing skills reaching goals, and achieving great things!
The first week of 2021 is done and dusted and we have done a round of jobs, opportunities, and other resources out there for you.
Digital Communications Administrator - Liverpool University
You will join the Student Experience Team that supports the academic staff of the School. You will provide effective and focussed communications support, leading and coordinating content for the School website, and internal/external communications.
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer P/T- LIPA
This is an exciting and unique opportunity to widen and develop your experience in Higher Education, in the environment of a small specialist institution that is undergoing a period of growth and development.
Positive Action Trainee Business Adviser Post - The Nia Black Business Hub.
We are seeking to recruit a Trainee Business Adviser to support the delivery of the NBBH services throughout the LCR. This pilot intends to confirm and develop our understanding of the multiple complex barriers faced by BAME communities when trying to access business support and advice
Liverpool Wheels for All co-ordinator - Cycling Projects Wheels for all
This position is to support the creation of Wheels for All at
Alder Hey hospital as well as the development of inclusive cycling activities
in partnership with the Brain Charity and Stick and Step organizations across
the city.
Data Assistant - Retail Operations - MATALAN
We’re looking for a Data Assistant to join our Retail Operations Team here at Matalan Head Office on a Maternity cover basis. As a Retail Operations Data Assistant, you will provide support to the Retail Operations Manager in delivering business growth and also be instrumental in providing data and analysis for all aspects of financial and commercial decision making.
Women Make Music Grants Programme
The programme supports the development of outstanding women songwriters and composers at different stages of their careers.
GiveYourbest is looking for volunteers
Give Your Best is a new non-profit making an impact by providing refugee and asylum-seeking women the opportunity to ‘shop’ from our catalog of donated items for free. We are initially looking for volunteers in various roles such as PR (Sustainable Fashion and Human Rights), Social Media, Web and App development, Business Development, Funding, and Grants, etc., but if you have skills or ideas that you think would be beneficial to our growing non-profit, which are not in the list, please get in touch and pitch them to us!
Launchpad: Starting a Business During a Pandemic (Start-up Conference)
Tuesday 12th January - 11 am
This Launchpad event will help you to understand the practicalities of getting started as well as connecting you with entrepreneurs who have been there, done it, and even re-adapted in the face of Covid 19.
For more info and to book your free place: https://www.thewomensorganisation.org.uk/event/launchpad-starting-a-business-during-a-pandemic-start-up-conference-12/
48 Hours Of Bitesized Mindfulness
Designed to demonstrate how effective the practice of Mindfulness can be when applied to work and home situations, Sabina will show you what Mindfulness is and how it works.
For more information: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/48-hours-of-bite-sized-mindfulness-tickets-131994409833?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch&keep_tld=1
Top 5 ways to upskill & reskill in 2021
Tips for Success: How to be successful in a job interview
Remember – the hard part is securing an interview. You have already impressed your employer with your application. Be yourself, take your time when answering questions, and don’t be afraid to ask questions yourself.
READ MORE: https://directionslcr.blogspot.com/2020/11/tips-for-success-how-to-be-successful.html
Want a creative 2021 but struggling to write? Check out our Top Tips - WOW
Here are some Top Tips from our brilliant writers, watch the videos and then put the tips into action with the activities below them!READ MORE: https://www.writingonthewall.org.uk/top-tips.html
About Directions:
Directions is a specifically designed and fully integrated programme of support that will improve the employability of over 2,000 local residents from Liverpool City Region who are currently not in work.
For More Information on Directions
Telephone: 0151 706 8111
Email: hello@thewo.org.uk
Keep in touch with Directions on Twitter.
About European Social Fund:
Directions are receiving funding from the European Social Fund as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England. The Department for Work and Pensions (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for the England European Social Fund programme. Established by the European Union, the European Social Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support skills development, employment and job creation, social inclusion, and local community regenerations. For more information visit https://www.gov.uk/european-growth-funding
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